Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapist
View video examples of Michele’s clinical work with clients.
Posted with permission. Not to be used elsewhere.
View video examples of Michele’s clinical work with clients.
Posted with permission. Not to be used elsewhere.
Individual Music Therapy (1)
Typically showing fleeting relatedness in early sessions, here, in our 12th meeting, this 5-year old autistic child is more at ease and willing to sit next to his therapist as he plays piano, vocalizes, and moves in time to the blues-inflected music that he loves. (with Yuriko Takada, co-therapist)
Group Music Therapy
In this special segment, you can view the ways in which a group of young children become more engaged and social through music therapy group experiences. (With music therapists Michele Ritholz & Sunyoung Park.)
Posted with permission. Not to be used elsewhere.